후다닥 뉴스 (sjleem@gmail.com)

'CES'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 후다닥뉴스(2020.01.07)


News Clipping

1.CES, Streaming Service와  가전사업자간 제휴 확대
- FireTV와 BMW 제휴
- Roku는 TCL, Hisense로
- Comcast 인수설이 있는 Xumo는 LG에 이어서 Sonay, Panasonic과




Amazon expands Fire TV reach in deals with TV providers, automakers

Amazon today announced a new Fire TV Edition expansion that will open its streaming device and smart TV platform to more verticals including automobiles.




Roku grows smart TV program with TCL, Hisense and new global OEM partners

Roku is touting the continued growth of its Roku TV licensing program with new models on the way from smart TV partners including TCL, Hisense, InFocus, Polaroid and Walmart’s ATVIO.




Industry Voices—Ring: A streaming product hunt at CES 2020

Consider this your executive cheat sheet for navigating CES 2020 from the Ring Digital perspective.



2.CTA, Streaming Video 이용자 규모 추정 
- 지난 10월에 20년 규모를 $21.9B으로 추정했는데, 금번에 $24.1B으로 조정 




Streaming Video Consumer Spending to Jump 29% in 2020 to $24 Billion, CTA Forecasts

The streaming wars are set to unleash a river of cash. With major media companies entering the market, American consumer spending on subscription-video services will increase 29% in 2020, hitting a…




후다닥 뉴스(10.11)

1. Netflix, 3분기 실적발표를 앞두고 월가의 전망 잇달아 - UBS는 Netflix가 3분기 가입자 실적 예상한 수치 관련, 미국 가입자는 유사한 수준이겠으나 글로벌 가입자는 예상에 미치지 못할것으로 전망 . Netflix..



3.여전히 미디어 무단사용 규모가 $70M 이상 
- 스트리밍 서비스가 확대되어도 여전히 Piracy가 성행중 
- AVOD 서비스는 Piracy 방지에 역할을 할 것인가? Streaming 서비스 확대가 오히려 Piracy 욕구를 자극할 것인가? 




$70 Million+ in Revenue Lost Annually to Piracy, According to New Research - Cord Cutters News

Synamedia, the world’s largest independent video software provider, released the results of several anti-piracy studies today. The studies looked at everything from password sharing to the illegal sale of passwords. Here’s what they found. Synamedia found


4. AT&T, 코어망의 가상화를 더욱 확대 예정 



AT&T on target for virtualizing 75% of its network by 2020

AT&T is still on target for having 75% of its network virtualized by the end of this year. After virtualizing more than 55% of its network functions in 2018, AT&T's goal was to hit 65% by the end of last year, which it did, according to a blog post by Scot



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